Monday, August 29, 2011

Want to get more leads & Traffic?

Do you want more Leads & Traffic?

I'm sure the answer to that question is

But how...

By taking advantage of Social Media Marketing!

Now before you say...

"I Don't Know anything about Social Media!"

What if I told you it is very simple and I
can show you how to do it Step-by-Step?

I have been using Social Media and Social
Media Marketing successfully for over 5 years.

I want you to watch this FREE video that will
explain everything in detail and give you some
great content in the mean time.

To watch this FREE video click on the link below or
copy and paste it in a browser:

Have a great day,

Pat Gage

P.S. This is a FREE 15 min video with no strings attached.

Watch now:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Want to Get More Leads & Traffic?

Do you want more Leads & Traffic?

I'm sure the answer to that question is
YES! But how...

By taking advantage of Social Media!

Now before you say "I Don't Know anything
about Social Media!" What if I told you
I know someone who does and he wants
to share what he knows with you?

I'm sure you have heard of Pat Gage,
he has been using Social Media
successfully now for the past 5 years.

In fact he helped me out with my
Facebook Fan page. And I even attended
his live event were I learned more

Now Pat wants to let more people learn
what he knows and that is the reason for
this email.

Pat has put all his knowledge about Facebook
in one spot, an eBook entitled...

"How to Generate Leads & Traffic Using Facebook".

This is a step-by-step how to for Facebook. Here
is a sample of what you will learn:

* The essential rules for building a Huge & Loyal Following
* How to Optimize the Main Components of Facebook
* A 4 Part Formula for Profitable Relationships
* The 10 Steps to Building an Awesome Fan Page
* Facebook resources that every business owner needs
* And More...

To get your copy of this business changing
eBook click on the link below or copy and
paste it in a browser:

Have a great day,

Pat Gage

P.S. There is material in this eBook your
webmaster doesn't even know, but you will
Go now to:

Let's Get Social....

Self Growth:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Social Media & Internet Advertising Take On The Soap Opera

P&G Shifts Marketing Money to Social Media
I just recently read an article about how Procter & Gamble is ending
its 77-year run of advertising on soap operas in favor of producing
more campaigns using social media. Man that is huge. That means
more than ever that Social Media Marketing is taking hold and is
becoming a go to medium.

$9 Billion A Year On Advertising
The company is an important advertiser that spends nearly $9 billion
per year to advertise its products. The company is finding social media
sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to be more effective
channels for reaching women and has spent much of 2010 experimenting
with campaigns in these arenas.

Digital Media Is A Way To Do Marketing
Digital media has "become very integrated with how we operate, it's
become part of the way we do marketing," marketing Chief Marc Pritchard
told the Associated Press. "It's kind of the oldest form of marketing —
word of mouth — with the newest form of technology."

Switching From Soap Operas To Social Media Advertising
The switch from soap operas to social media is one motivated by its
success with previous social media campaigns — such as its Old Spice
Guy YouTube promotion — and a desire to capitalize on the more readily
available opportunities of reaching women through digital media.

More Information on Phoenix Media Group visit:




Here are some articles about us:

Article - How Using Social Media..

Article - ...include a call to action.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 Great Ways to Create Videos without Ever Stepping in front of a Camera

For A Free Consult CALL 734-531-8823

Visit for more information

I hear quite a bit from people who perform social media consulting that I don't want to film myself on video, or I don't have a  camera good enough to do social media marketing  on the web.  Well, this article is for all those of you that wanted a solution. Help is on the way!

I have listed below 4 easy and inexpensive ways for you to harness the power of video on the web, on such sites like YouTube and Viddler without ever stepping in front of a camera, and maybe even liking this better.

Record screen capture video using a software program. - So what does that mean, record your  computer screen as you are doing something and VIOLA!  You now have a video that you can upload  to several video sharing sites.  Software such as Camtasia (for PC and Mac) or Screenflow (for Mac)  creates narrated, live-motion web screen shots or captures a PowerPoint slide presentation  that can be converted to video and uploaded to any video sharing network.

Another  way to create videos is by using - This is a web application that automatically creates videos using  user-selected images, music, and video clips. This is where you would find the items you want in your video and this service creates the video for you. This site offers both free and paid  options.

Another video creation tool is called - This site offers a huge library of licensed  content that you can use to create your video. It also has several web-based editing and  customization tools.

You can hold and record a webinar for a live audience. - I know what you are saying, I don't  want to speak in front of people! Don't worry with webinar software such as you  are recording the screen not your face. A tip here is that the default settings on have the audience muted out, which helps keep the noise down and also you then don't have to worry about questions or interruptions.

And finally, Use the built-in YouTube Quick Capture feature. You can record a video instantly  using the video camera built in to your laptop or your webcam on your desktop.

Now, I've given you 4 great and easy ways to get your videos on YouTube or any other video sharing sites without having your face on camera.

Here is the URL for Camtasia - - They are based right here in Michigan. The URL for screenflow is

Visit for more information

For A Free Consult CALL 734-531-8823

See us on these sites also:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Effectively Market Your Business on Facebook - Live Event

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>March 12th & March 26 Events>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

At this live event you are going learn how to increase your visibility by 10%-15% through event promotions.

You'll also find out how to increase your credibility 15%-20% through building an awesome Fan Page.

Most importantly get information now on how to  increase your profitability by 10%-20% per month.

At this live event you are going to learn how to increase your visibility by 10%-15% through event promotions.

You'll also find out how to increase your credibility 15%-20% through building an awesome Fan Page.

Most importantly get information now on how to  increase your profitability by 10%-20% per month.

Here's a sample of what you'll learn:
* Learn how to create your page in Facebook, notify,Fans of events, build relationships and grow loyal fans that become customers.
* How to plan your social media strategy
* How to maximize event marketing on Facebook
* Learn how to increase the value of each visitor through simple, affordable techniques you can put up in a matter of days after leaving the seminar.
* How to build genuine relationships with your customers.
* Discover exactly how to attract your ideal top paying clients
* Learn how to become THE #1 expert in your field and create a stampede of raving fans referring you a TON of  business!
* You'll learn how to run Facebook ad campaigns and integrate Facebook into the rest of your marketing campaigns.

Bring your laptops as we will be doing exercises in class.

Course manual and lunch will be provided!

Register now, seating is limited go to
call 734-531-8823

If you are looking for custom training or you are looking for somebody to do your social media marketing for you, we do that as well. Call us at 734-531-8823 and ask about our programs.